Integrated Self Empowerment Therapy (ISET) South Melbourne & Ivanhoe

Integrated Self Empowerment Therapy (ISET) South Melbourne & Ivanhoe

Unlock Your Inner Wellness with Restore Your Mind Hypnotherapy

Take the First Step Towards Mental Well-Being with a FREE 30 Minute Consultation

We offer a complimentary 30-minute consultation to give you an idea of how we can help you tap into the power of your subconscious mind. Valerie will work with you to identify any blocks or limitations that may be holding you back, and then use the latest techniques in hypnosis to help reprogram your mind for success. Book your free session today!

best hypnotherapist in Melbourne

ISET (Integrated Self Empowerment Therapy) is a new therapeutic model that is a safe and effective method of helping people change the way they behave, feel, think, and respond to life’s experiences.

ISETs ‘big picture’ philosophy allows its principles to be adopted for any situation where a change in personal belief is required for health and wellbeing. It is precisely because it works at the unconscious level that its methods can be utilised regardless of whether the disharmony and disease are of a physical, behavioural, emotional, or spiritual nature.

Through the conscious use of symbolic metaphors, we can access the same communication methodology that the unconscious mind uses through dreams.

When we use symbolic metaphors to represent the belief system, YOU can not only see, and therefore better understand in what way the belief is disempowering YOU but can also use the same metaphor to change the negative belief system permanently.

The strength of ISET is that the power of change is in YOUR hands. I merely facilitate how the metaphors are structured but the process of transformation is created and achieved by YOU. Because YOU are actively involved in the healing process then the outcome is more likely to be sustained because of YOU having challenged the underlying belief system.

However, there is more to ISET than just using metaphors. Its methodology has connections to several philosophical schools of thought and therapeutic approaches.

Therapeutic approaches used in ISET:

Hypnotherapy – also referred to as hypnosis or hypnotic suggestion, is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration. Hypnosis is usually done with the help of a therapist using verbal repetition and mental images.

Gestalt – person-centered form of psychotherapy that is focused on a person’s present life and challenges rather than delving into past experiences. This approach stresses the importance of understanding the context of a person’s life and taking responsibility rather than placing blame.

Colour therapy – colour therapy is based on the idea that colour and coloured lights can help treat physical or mental health. According to this idea, they cause subtle changes in our moods and biology. Colour therapy has a long history.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a type of talking therapy. It is a common treatment for a range of mental health problems. CBT teaches you coping skills for dealing with different problems. It focuses on how your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect your feelings and actions.

Transpersonal Psychology – Transpersonal therapy aims to increase one’s sense of self and improve one’s overall quality of life via spirituality and self-understanding,” says Shaw. She notes it’s a therapy often used to address conditions with challenges related to self-worth and life purpose, such as: anxiety.

Jung – Jungian therapy is a type of in-depth, talk-based psychoanalytic therapy. During therapy, you are encouraged to explore, and bring together, the unconscious and conscious aspects of your experience.

Psychodrama Psychodrama is a structured form of therapy in which a person dramatizes a personal problem or conflict, usually in front of a group of other therapy participants. The other participants usually take part in the drama, though each performance focuses on a single person’s concerns.

Constructivism Psychology – Constructivism is a theory that puts forward as fact or as a basis for the argument, that humans are meaning-makers in their lives and essentially construct their own realities. In various psychotherapeutic approaches under constructivism, the client is viewed as an active participant in creating and determining their life path.

ISET – Perspective

The ISET philosophical approach considers the critical incidents, feelings and thoughts are indicators and symptoms of the belief system. Changing the belief and the stored emotions will create a different perception so you can view the world through different lenses.

When faced with a situation that triggers a response based on our unconscious beliefs, the physical outcome is the last occurrence and constitutes, in numerical terms, only about 10% of the whole process.

An example: you are talking to someone, and you are offended by something that is said. Then depending on your beliefs and unconscious truths about yourself, your emotional response will generate a thought process that will determine an outcome that reflects that belief.

If your unconscious belief is that you are either vulnerable or unworthy or guilty, then your emotional response will usually be either fear or resentment or anger. The thought process will involve ways of dealing with the emotion generated by the belief system and will require action to resolve the tensions.

Any unresolved emotions and events are stored for reference and for retrieval when something triggers the emotion or memory. However, when they are triggered, they are very real and feel as strong in the now as they did in the past.

ISET Session

A typical ISET session initially involves exploring, through counselling, the underlying belief system that is operating in a negative way in YOUR life. This could be behavioural problems, emotional trauma, fears, phobias or physical disease.

In the session you are able to identify the degree to which the negative belief is interfering with your well-being by understanding what unconscious truth the specific metaphoric image is conveying. This understanding is assisted by me, the therapist. You are then guided to work with the image to transform or remove the negative belief.

Experiencing this inner conflict enhances your knowledge about yourself and assists the transformation process enormously. The changes are often brought about instantly.


Because the underlying principles of the ISET model is to identify and change where necessary the belief system that is affecting the way you behave, feel, think, and respond to life’s experiences, then ISET can be applied to any condition or situation – anywhere where there is disharmony or disruption for example:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Addictions
  • Stress
  • Corporate – employee performance
  • Phobias and Panic Attacks
  • Fears
  • Emotional Blockages
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Weight issues
  • Repetitive patterns
  • PTSD
  • Abandonment
  • Not feeling good enough

Change the thoughts and therefore change the reality 


Book for a free consultation to see how ISET can help you

For a complimentary 30 minute consultation, please schedule a time below or you can call 0422 376 846:

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Discover the transformative power of hypnotherapy to address anxiety, stress, and various emotional challenges. Our tailored sessions guide you into a relaxed state where you can access your subconscious mind, promoting healing and positive change. Achieve lasting results with our experienced clinical hypnotherapist and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

RTT Rapid Transformational Therapy

Achieve rapid and lasting change with RTT, a powerful therapy combining hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, and neuro-linguistic programming. RTT addresses the root cause of your issues, allowing for immediate and profound transformation. Our certified RTT practitioner will help you break free from limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential in just a few sessions.


ISET (Integrated Self-Empowerment Therapy)

Experience profound emotional healing with ISET, a unique therapy designed to uncover and resolve deep-rooted emotional issues. Integrating subconscious exploration with therapeutic techniques ISET helps release emotional blockages and achieve inner peace. Our skilled therapist will support you through a journey of self-discovery and emotional well-being.

Our Clinic Locations


107 Lower Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe VIC 3079


The Community Doctors, 366 Maroondah Hwy, Ringwood VIC 3134

Book your free consultation with Restore Your Mind Hypnotherapy

Find peace and calm with Restore Your Mind Hypnotherapy.